Village Condominium Association


The following policy was originally formulated by the Board of Managers on April 13, 1987. The current Board of Managers reaffirmed the policy on April 12, 2010.

WATER FROM SEWER BACKUP: Association responsibility and expense.

WATER FROM INSIDE DRAINS: Bathtubs, toilets, etc: adjacent unit owners make and pay for their own arrangements. Office has a list of plumbers.

BASEMENT FOUNDATIONS: Repairs to exterior walls will be made by the Association. The COST will be borne by the Unit Owner as stated in Master Deed 4(a) which states that the walls are the property of the individual Unit Owners. If the common areas are affected by the repair, the Association will bear 50% of the repair cost.

WATER THROUGH BASEMENT FLOOR: Master Deed, as amended, states that the Unit Owner owns land to the depth of two (2) inches below the upper surface of the concrete slab. However, repairs will be made and paid per policy for BASEMENT FOUNDATIONS.

WATER THROUGH BULKHEAD: Bulkheads are Common Areas: Therefore, all necessary repairs are Association expense.

EXTERIOR BRICK: According to Article VI, section 9, all costs of brickwork are an Association expense.

Since 1978, when Capital Repair/Improvement program was instituted, The Village has had an active, ongoing maintenance and repair program for structural repairs, masonry, etc., in an effort to minimize Unit Owner problems. Your co-operation in reporting water problems as soon as they are noticed will greatly facilitate the Association’s programs. “Acts of God” are not predicable, and water sometimes appears where it has never done so before.

Board of Managers